Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back Pain

Back Pain
Back ache is extremely common and most people will experience some form of it in their lifetime. The way in which you use your back can determine whether or not you will have to live with back pain. Experts believe that the more stationary people are the more likely they are to experience back pains. Sitting in a car on a long commute to work and then spending your day at a desk can increase the likelihood of having pains. Overly strenuous activities like gardening, bending, or heavy lifting can cause back ache as well. With the right approach, basic back ache can be avoided.
Back ache occurs when vertebrae become misaligned and pinch the nerves of your spinal cord. You may also experience pain if the back muscles get torn, or the discs, which act as shock absorbers, rupture. The lowest part of the back is most vulnerable to injury because it supports the weight of the upper body as well as it being twisted and bent more than any other part of the body.
The back is made up of 33 bones called vertebrae with discs locked in between. The discs are made of the annulus, a tough elastic coating that protects a jelly like nucleus. When the annulus is damaged the nucleus will leak and result in what is known as a slipped disc. This is extremely painful. You may also experience the pains after strenuous activities with a lot of bending. This causes the muscles to go into spasms, which is the most common form of back ache. The back muscles will also spasm if you have been in an awkward position for too long.
If you have back pain, you won't do any harm by moving around even if it hurts. In contrast, you will help it get better faster by keeping as active as possible. If you pace yourself, you will be able to do much more. Strengthening your back muscles and keeping fit is important. Walking is usually helpful as well as swimming if you use the backstroke. It puts less pressure on the spine. You should always try to maintain good posture. Don’t slump in your chair, hunch over a desk, or walk with your shoulders hunched up.
If you do have to lift something, you should bend at the knees, not at the waist. You can keep your feet shoulder width apart to help you feel more stable. You should also carry the object against your body ensuring the center of gravity is in line with your own. Remember to bend at the knees again to put the object down.
Most doctors agree that when you experience back ache, you should continue with your daily activities in moderation. Sitting enormously increases the load on the lower spine and causes more pain. By staying stationary, you actually don’t get the back strengthening exercise you would normally get during your daily routine. Weaker back muscles will cause you to experience pain more often. You should make a couple of trips to the store each week instead of one big trip. If your back ache is unbearable and last more than 2 days, consult a chiropractor.
Some back pain can be very serious. If you experience back pain combined with a loss of bladder or bowel control, or if you begin dragging a leg or a foot, or lose feeling in your legs or arms, you should call your DC immediately. If you experience a high fever with your back pain, you may have an infection in your spine. A tumor is usually the result of rapid weight loss along with severe back ache.
Your chiropractor is trained to examine all aspects of your lifestyle and create a treatment that integrates good health habits along with manual back adjustments. He/She will ask questions about family history, health habits, diet, and daily routine. He may also conduct physical, orthopedic, and neurological test to reveal the state of your back condition. Based on the findings, your chiropractor may recommend an individualized treatment program to realign your back, relieve muscle spasms, restore motion, and reduce pain. If needed, your chiropractor will also consult other medical specialists about your condition. This integrated approach helps determine the best treatment for your problem.
Please Note: The information provided here is merely referential and informative. It is in no way a representation of professional medical advice and you should consult your chiropractor to determine any possible diagnosis and treatment methods that you may require


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