Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chronic Whiplash

Chiropractic "Only Proven Effective Treatment" for Chronic Whiplash
Khan S, Cook J, Gargan M, Bannister G. A symptomatic classification of whiplash injury and the implications for treatment. Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine 1999;21(1):22-25.
Executive summary provided by Dr. Dan Murphy, D.C., DABCO

A new study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine not only points out the superiority of chiropractic care for chronic whiplash patients, but also examines which chronic whiplash patients respond best to chiropractic care. The authors begin the paper by explaining that:

“Conventional treatment of patients with whiplash symptoms is disappointing."

A retrospective study by Woodward et al.(Woodward MN, Cook JCH, Gargan MF, Bannister GC. Chiropractic treatment of chronic whiplash injuries. Injury 1996;27:643-645), demonstrated that chiropractic treatment benefited 26 of 28 patients suffering from chronic whiplash syndrome.

The question was not whether chiropractic was beneficial for acute whiplash patients, but to determine which patients with chronic whiplash will benefit from chiropractic treatment.

The authors interviewed 100 consecutive chiropractic referrals for chronic whiplash symptoms, seven of which were “lost to follow up". They were able to divide the remaining 93 patients into three symptom groups:

Group 1: Patients with “neck pain radiating in a ‘coat hanger’ distribution, associated with restricted range of neck movement but with no neurological deficit”;

Group 2: Patients with “neurological symptoms, signs or both in association with neck pain and a restricted range of neck movement”;

Group 3: Patients who described “severe neck pain but all of whom has a full range of motion and no neurological symptoms or signs distributed over specific myotomes or dermatomes.” These patients also “described an unusual complex of symptoms,” including “blackouts, visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting and chest pain, along with a non-dermatomal distribution of pain.”

The patients underwent an average of 19.3 adjustments over the course of 4.1 months (mean). The patients were then surveyed and their improvement reported as follows:

Group 1
24% - Asymptomatic
24% - Improved by Two Symptom Grades
24% - Improved by One Symptom Grade
28% - No Improvement

Group 2
38% - Asymptomatic
43% - Improved by Two Symptom Grades
13% - Improved by One Symptom Grade
6% - No Improvement

Group 3
0% - Asymptomatic
9% - Improved by Two Symptom Grades
18%- Improved by One Symptom Grade
64% - No Improvement
9% - Got Worse

In their discussion, the authors made these observations:

Woodward, et al., found improvement in chronic symptoms in 26 of 28 patients (93%) following chiropractic treatment. "Our results confirm the efficacy of chiropractic, with 69 of our 93 patients (74%) improving following treatment."

“Our study suggests that such a group of non-responders does exist, represented by group 3. The defining characteristics of patients in this group were the full range of neck movement in association with neck pain, bizarre symptoms, female and ongoing litigation. The mean age of the group at 29.5 (16-43) was lower than that of the other two groups (mean 36.8, range 18-65)."

“The results from this study provide further evidence that chiropractic is an effective treatment for chronic whiplash symptoms. However, our identification of a group of patients who fail to respond to such treatment, highlights the need for a careful history and physical examination before commencing treatment.”


Back Pain

Back Pain
Back ache is extremely common and most people will experience some form of it in their lifetime. The way in which you use your back can determine whether or not you will have to live with back pain. Experts believe that the more stationary people are the more likely they are to experience back pains. Sitting in a car on a long commute to work and then spending your day at a desk can increase the likelihood of having pains. Overly strenuous activities like gardening, bending, or heavy lifting can cause back ache as well. With the right approach, basic back ache can be avoided.
Back ache occurs when vertebrae become misaligned and pinch the nerves of your spinal cord. You may also experience pain if the back muscles get torn, or the discs, which act as shock absorbers, rupture. The lowest part of the back is most vulnerable to injury because it supports the weight of the upper body as well as it being twisted and bent more than any other part of the body.
The back is made up of 33 bones called vertebrae with discs locked in between. The discs are made of the annulus, a tough elastic coating that protects a jelly like nucleus. When the annulus is damaged the nucleus will leak and result in what is known as a slipped disc. This is extremely painful. You may also experience the pains after strenuous activities with a lot of bending. This causes the muscles to go into spasms, which is the most common form of back ache. The back muscles will also spasm if you have been in an awkward position for too long.
If you have back pain, you won't do any harm by moving around even if it hurts. In contrast, you will help it get better faster by keeping as active as possible. If you pace yourself, you will be able to do much more. Strengthening your back muscles and keeping fit is important. Walking is usually helpful as well as swimming if you use the backstroke. It puts less pressure on the spine. You should always try to maintain good posture. Don’t slump in your chair, hunch over a desk, or walk with your shoulders hunched up.
If you do have to lift something, you should bend at the knees, not at the waist. You can keep your feet shoulder width apart to help you feel more stable. You should also carry the object against your body ensuring the center of gravity is in line with your own. Remember to bend at the knees again to put the object down.
Most doctors agree that when you experience back ache, you should continue with your daily activities in moderation. Sitting enormously increases the load on the lower spine and causes more pain. By staying stationary, you actually don’t get the back strengthening exercise you would normally get during your daily routine. Weaker back muscles will cause you to experience pain more often. You should make a couple of trips to the store each week instead of one big trip. If your back ache is unbearable and last more than 2 days, consult a chiropractor.
Some back pain can be very serious. If you experience back pain combined with a loss of bladder or bowel control, or if you begin dragging a leg or a foot, or lose feeling in your legs or arms, you should call your DC immediately. If you experience a high fever with your back pain, you may have an infection in your spine. A tumor is usually the result of rapid weight loss along with severe back ache.
Your chiropractor is trained to examine all aspects of your lifestyle and create a treatment that integrates good health habits along with manual back adjustments. He/She will ask questions about family history, health habits, diet, and daily routine. He may also conduct physical, orthopedic, and neurological test to reveal the state of your back condition. Based on the findings, your chiropractor may recommend an individualized treatment program to realign your back, relieve muscle spasms, restore motion, and reduce pain. If needed, your chiropractor will also consult other medical specialists about your condition. This integrated approach helps determine the best treatment for your problem.
Please Note: The information provided here is merely referential and informative. It is in no way a representation of professional medical advice and you should consult your chiropractor to determine any possible diagnosis and treatment methods that you may require


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Symptoms Are Your Friends

Symptoms Are Your Friends

With so many viruses going around and the threats of even more dangerous ones coming; I decided that it was time to talk about symptoms and their purpose in our health. Many of us view symptoms as our enemies when in fact they are our friends. Many of you have been to my health seminars where I discuss this topic, but for those of you who may never hear me personally; I decided to make an attempt to put my seminar into print for my newsletter readers.

Symptoms are the body's way of telling us that there is something wrong. I call them the "warning signals" or "flashing red lights" of the body and it is in our best interest to "listen" to them instead of running to the medicine chest, the pharmacy or the doctor every time we don't feel well! We must look at the symptom and determine what it is telling us. Symptoms are valuable indicators of the wrong that we are doing. When we suppress the symptoms with drugs, we actually work against the body's natural defenses.

Medically speaking a symptom is defined as "a sign or indication of a disease or illness." It is thought that if the symptom is treated, then the disease or illness has been cured. NOTHING is further from the truth! To my knowledge, there is not a single pharmaceutical that "cures" a disease...they merely treat symptoms. (Think about it, pain killers, tranquilizers, heart medication, diuretics, H2 blockers, chemotherapy; none of them really cure anything)!

Symptoms are viewed differently from my Naturopathic healing perspective. They are viewed as indicators that there is an abnormal condition within the body which is producing a state of "dis-ease". A manifested symptom is the body's effort to eliminate toxins from the body so that it can return it to a state of health. A symptom is merely the body's effort at staying alive while coping with any damage that has been done or is being done to the body. Symptoms are the body's attempt to restore health and maintain life. This being said, now wouldn't it make sense to deal with the wrong being done instead of suppressing the symptom through drugs or other means?

How many of us have ever had a fever? Most people, thanks to the lucrative world of Big Pharma, immediately try lowering a fever when it appears. This increase in temperature is an automatic response to dealing with a foreign invader (i.e.. virus)! This is the body's way of killing that "bug." What happens when we take Tylenol (or some other toxic drug) to lower the fever?
[By the way, Acetaminophen overdoses result in about 450 deaths annually (only about 100 of those are intentional) and poison control centers receive more than 100,000 calls annually resulting from overdoses of acetaminophen. Additionally, this "fever-reducing" drug causes 56,000 emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations and a number of liver transplants. Although acute liver failure is rare, acetaminophen accounts for almost 50 percent of cases, more than is caused by prescription drugs. Annals of Internal Medicine, December 16, 2003 ].

Anyway; we stop the body's attempt at killing the invader and the invader gets to live on in our body and create havoc if we suppress the fever (symptom). If, instead of lowering the fever, we go to bed and rest (doesn't that sound novel?), drink lots of fluids, and make sure our bowels are moving to ensure the colon's elimination of the toxins, we actually encourage the body in its attempt to eliminate the invader. Hence, health is restored more quickly, the immune system becomes stronger, we prevent more toxicity by not putting drugs in the body, and we allow the body to do its job. We have not interfered with the body and the way I believe God created our bodies to optimally function.

I do believe there are times when we need to intervene with a fever - perhaps when the immune system is so weakened by our consistent wrong doings to it or when it reaches 104 or 105 degrees - but not before. I would still consider other methods first in that case, than drugs - i.e... cool baths or sponging with tepid/cool water. People get so panicky with a fever. Enzymes in the body do not begin to be destroyed until 107 degrees so don't get too upset when your child has a temperature of 102 or 103 degrees. This means the body is trying very hard to do its job. Of course, with a fever you need to make sure lots of fluids are taken in to prevent dehydration. If a child refuses to drink you can get liquid in them by giving them juice enemas and rubbing them with a wet cloth (the skin will absorb some of the liquid).

A fever is just one example of the body doing its job of protecting us and returning us to health. How many of you have ever had a runny nose, cough, skin eruptions, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, etc? These are all ways your body is trying to rid itself of toxins via one of the modes of elimination that God created within our body systems. I encourage you to "listen" to your body next time you experience one of these, to try to determine what you have done to deserve the symptom, and to simply cooperate with the body in eliminating the dis-ease and returning back to a state of health and vitality. Instead of being in a hurry to get back to work, why not call in sick, go to bed, drink plenty of freshly squeezed juice (take additional Juice Plus+ to facilitate immune enhancement and detoxification), fast all food to give the body more energy for healing, and be patient while your body does its job? Let's take time to take care of our health, and therefore reap the benefits of a healthy immune system that can fight off cancer and all other diseases that are so rampant in America .

Swine Flu

Swine Flu
Courtesy Dr. David E. Wade, DC

The 1918 influenza pandemic has been labeled in history as one of the most devastating outbreaks in the history of the world with deaths estimated at between 20 and 40 million people. Over 675,000 American citizens lost their lives due to this awful epidemic. Why are we talking about this? The 1918 flu crisis has been labeled in the Chiropractic profession as the reason for our success and proliferation as an occupation. Here are some of the statistics that give merit to the power of the Chiropractic adjustment:

In Davenport, Iowa 50 medical doctors cared for 4,953 cases with 274 deaths. Also in Davenport, 150 chiropractors saw 1,635 cases with only one death. In the state of Iowa, medical doctors treated 93,590 patients, with 6,116 deaths, a loss of one patient out of every 15. In the same state, excluding Davenport, 4,735 patients were seen by chiropractors with a loss of only six patients – a loss of one patient out of every 789.

National figures show that 1,142 chiropractors cared for 46,394 for influenza during 1918, with a loss of 54 patients – one out of every 859.
In New York City, 950 out of 10,000 cases died with medical methods while 25 out of 10,000 died using drugless methods.

Yes, the medical profession was seeing a majority of the worst of the worst; however, one of the greatest statistics backing chiropractic care comes from the state of Oklahoma. There were 233 cases in which the medical doctors had cared for patients and eventually pronounced them as “lost” or beyond hope… chiropractors took care of all 233 with only 25 deaths.

Chiropractic’s journey into health care took a huge leap forward thanks to its incredible effect on the thousands of Americans during the flu crisis. What I hope you all gain from this is the incredible results of the chiropractic adjustment. When you get adjusted, you decreased sustained sympathetic tone in your nervous system (bad), which subsequently leads to an increase in immune function (good), among many other consequences (Journal of Neurophysiology, February 2007). An increase in immune function is important for everything from the cold and runny nose to influenza, cancer, and heart disease, not to mention the great enhancing effects on a healthy individual. This is why we encourage you all to come in to get checked despite if you are not feeling the best. An adjustment will stimulate your immune system to better fight off any illness in your body.

The stresses that people endured in the early 1900s were entirely different than those we incur presently. In order to achieve these dramatic results you must not only get adjusted, but also make changes in your lifestyle so your body can at least have an opportunity to heal. A few simple steps can maximize the effects of your adjustments. Eat more green, leafy vegetables with every meal, take a 20 minute walk outside every day, and have a more optimistic view on life.

The Science of Healing
When you have a cut finger, a broken bone, or a disease, what heals you? Is it the bandage and anti-biotic spray that heals the finger? . . . The cast that heals the bone? . . . The doctor or the medicine that heals the disease?

There is a saying that, “the power that made the body heals the body.” That sounds good, but when you have a health problem, you might want something based a little more on science, and a little less on faith.

The above statement isn’t intended as a statement of faith, but of scientific fact.

But that isn’t what most people understand, and it surely isn’t what our health-care system teaches. Take a minute to think about the nature of healing.

A human being is said to be body, mind and spirit. The body is the vehicle that we use to travel the road of life; and the mind is the navigational system that we use to negotiate the obstacles along our way; But spirit is more difficult to understand.

At The Beginning Of Life
When we were just a fertilized ovum in our mother’s womb, there wasn’t much body or mind, but there was something there, that knew how to build a body and mind in nine months. So, if we are body, mind and spirit, that something must have been spirit. Sometimes called life, spirit of life, or life force, The Light of God; it is also often referred to as our innate (inborn) intelligence; or in religion the Holy Spirit. For simplicity, we’ll use the words Life and Life Force in this article.

As the human infant develops in the mother’s womb, the first tissue to be identifiable as a future organ is a streak near the outside of the small mass of cells, called the primitive streak. This streak eventually becomes the spinal cord; and in a few days it begins to enlarge at one end into what is called the primitive brain. These early components of the nerve system serve as the communications system that our Life Force will use to coordinate the development of the organs and parts of our body. Working back and forth between the lobes of the brain without interference this LIFE transfers information of the development, controls and coordinates the world of the newly formed body so that in a matter of 280 days we are ready to experience a new environment.

At birth we come into the world with trillions of specialized cells, all functioning in harmony. It is this harmonious function that we call health. Our Life Force uses our nerve system to coordinate our functions. We are able to live, breathe and travel the road of life because our Life Force coordinates our body functions. Motion occurs and information is received by the cells of the body as a result of this energy of the Life Force flowing without interference so we can adapt and develop and grow and heal.

It controls our digestion, circulation, respiration, natural immunity and self repair. Throughout life it uses the nutrients from our food to maintain our bodies in a healthy state.

Nothing other than our own life force can build a living cell from the nutrients in our food. All that is required is a healthy nervous system, adequate nutrition and a little cooperation from us. (Someone has to be in charge of your health.)

So, What Heals?

In today’s world we are led to believe that it is doctors or drugs that heal. This is far from the truth, but it is highly profitable for the healthcare industry and drug companies. There is a world-wide deception being perpetuated that draws a person to a pill, potion or procedure to seek that which is lost.

It is fact that only the power that made us can heal us. Whether a cut finger, a broken bone or a diseased body, only that which can rebuild living cells and cause them to function in harmony, can heal us. It is our own inborn Life Force that uses our nervous system to coordinate our many functions, including the healing process. Above down, inside out –your body is designed to heal itself.

How About Chiropractic?

What conditions do chiropractors cure? Doctors don’t cure anything. Only the body can heal itself. All body functions, including healing, are regulated by the body’s life force, through the nerve system. Chiropractors just remove nerve interference, so the body can function as it is designed.

This interference is stress induced, and causes a shift in brain adaptability which causes the body to operate out of balance. This has a negative effect on the skeletal system, joints, muscles, nerves and organs; interfering with the normal transmission of the healing Life Force. Although chiropractors see patients with many different types of health problems, their primary purpose is to remove this interference and teach the principles of wellness.

The statement that “the power that made the body, heals the body,” refers to the inborn intelligence within us that uses the nutrients in our food to create new cells, and to coordinate them into healthy function. By applying this knowledge to our personal health, we can have a better understanding of health and healthcare.

Whatever your health status, or time of life, wouldn’t you want to have the best possible nerve supply to all organs and parts of your body?

Wouldn’t you want that for family & friends? Don't you think this message is worth sharing?

A Sick Health Care System

Courtesy of Dr. David E. Wade
A Sick Health Care System
One of the main goals that I have for this web site is to encourage our readers to learn how to be their own best doctors.
Please don't misunderstand me; I think that there are some wonderfully caring and competent doctors in our world.
But there are also many doctors who don't have each of their patients' best interests at or even near the top of their list of priorities.
Over the years, it's become clear to me that a big part of the problem with our health care system is the system itself; our current health care system doesn't encourage doctors to teach their patients to prevent disease and address health conditions with simple food and lifestyle choices.
Take, for example, the health care system in Canada. I often hear leaders of other countries, most notably, the United States, tout the universal health care system in Canada as being the ideal system - one in which every man, woman, and child has access to free health care.
While on the surface the Canadian system appears to be an effective one, as far as I can tell, it is just as sick as other health care systems throughout the world.
To be more specific, medical doctors in Ontario, Canada, are paid an average of $27 Canadian dollars per routine office visit. Initial visits that involve a thorough physical examination are usually billed at $60 Canadian dollars per visit.
Put another way, for routine office visits, medical doctors in Ontario have no financial motivation to take their time and consider their patients' food and lifestyle choices.
If a patient comes in with a chief complaint of a chronic headache, the doctor could spend an hour gathering critical information on a patient's diet and lifestyle, and then go on to address any changes that could be made to address the chronic headache.
Alternatively, the doctor could spend five minutes going through the motions - pulse, blood pressure, pupillary reflexes, and other quick screening measures to make the patient feel like he or she has been adequately examined by an expert - and then write out a prescription for a pain killer.
Either way, the doctor gets paid $27.
So which route do you think most doctors take?
There's another reason why many doctors have a tendency to deal with most cases with a prescription for a drug: the pharmaceutical industry makes it well worth their while to do so.
Here's how a pharmaceutical sales representative recently summarized his work for me:
"I take the doctor out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, all expenses paid. As dinner winds down, I ask the doctor to recommend my company's brand for certain health conditions among his patients. Sometimes, the doctor will say that his office needs new equipment. I say how much? The doctor says $5,000. I say fine, but only if you write 100 scripts (prescriptions) for a specific drug made by our company each month. The doctor agrees, and we get him his new $5,000 machine."
Out of curiosity, I asked the pharmaceutical sales rep how he and his company can be sure that the doctor will follow through on his word to write out 100 prescriptions of their drug each month. Can't the doctor just take his $5,000 machine and not follow through on his promise?
"No, all pharmaceutical companies pay big money to a huge, global corporation called IMS that tracks this type of data," was the rep's instant reply.
For a fee, IMS can provide date-specific data to pharmaceutical companies that breaks down exactly how many prescriptions of each drug that each licensed doctor has handed out and how many of them have been fulfilled at licensed pharmacies.
In other words, the managers who work for pharmaceutical companies who approve $5,000 gifts have a sure-fire way of verifying that their gifts are properly reciprocated.
And I think that we can all safely assume that this regular exchange of gifts does not amount to a net profit of zero dollars for the pharmaceutical industry. Just in case you don't want to make this assumption, consider that the IMS reports that in 2005, global pharmaceutical sales amounted to 602 billion dollars; mucho dinero, n'est pas?
So let's pretend for a moment that you're a doctor who now has to write 100 prescriptions per month for a specific drug that helps to regulate blood glucose.
When a patient walks into your office and shows a mild to moderately elevated fasting blood glucose level, would you take a half hour to an hour to explain what he or she can do with food and lifestyle choices to have a great shot at lowering blood glucose to a healthy level? Or would you write a quick prescription for a blood glucose-regulating drug to bring your target for the month down to 99 prescriptions?
This is one of the most powerful ways in which big pharmaceutical companies have helped to create a sick health care system; they provide strong financial incentives for doctors to choose drugs over health education for patients.
The bottom line: putting your health entirely in another person's hands, namely, your doctor's, is never as good a choice as learning how to be your own best doctor.
Learn how to choose nutrient-dense foods.
Learn about the critical roles that fresh air, clean water, some exposure to sunlight, physical activity, and proper physical and emotional rest play in determining your health state.
Learn how negative emotions can cause physical damage to your cells.
Most importantly, apply all of this knowledge to your everyday life as soon as possible; be your own best doctor.